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Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
Introductory Lecture
Introductory Lecture (64:29)
Seminar Recording (85:25)
I) The Good
Lecture IA: What is good? (34:45)
Lecture IB: On the Soul and its Virtues (23:05)
Seminar Recording (90:00)
II) Arete, Character, The Mean
Lecture IIA (21:35)
Lecture IIB: Finding Arete (21:14)
Seminar Recording (105:44)
III) Proairesis
Lecture III (21:24)
Lecture IIIB On Courage (8:32)
Seminar Recording (123:26)
IV) Justice
Lecture IV) Dikaiosyne (25:29)
Supplementary Lecture IVb) Generosity (23:12)
Seminar Recording (82:21)
V) Phronesis
Lecture V) Phronesis (27:41)
Seminar Recording (110:32)
VI) Akrasia
Lecture VI) Akrasia (19:18)
Seminar Recording (88:29)
VII) Friendship
Lecture Materials (36:14)
Seminar Recording (107:51)
VIII) Scholé
Lecture Materials (28:53)
Seminar Recording (112:21)
Recording (206:10)
Your Philosophical Journey
How to journal and build your library (12:17)
Lecture IIB: Finding Arete
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